EHT Imaging Challenge - Round 4

Download the Challenge Data HERE
Deadline: June 7, 2017

Challenge Number Source Location Telescopes Total Flux (Janskys) Noise Property
1 Sgr A* SMA, SMT, LMT, ALMA, PV, PDB, SPT 2 Thermal & Atmospheric & Systematic Gain Error
2 Sgr A* SMA, JCMT, SMT, LMT, ALMA, APEX, PV, SPT - Thermal & Atmospheric & Time Varying
3 Sgr A* SMA, JCMT, SMT, LMT, ALMA, APEX, PV, SPT - Thermal & Atmospheric & Time Varying


An analysis of results will be released shortly. Submitted reconstructions can be viewed here: dataset 1, dataset 2, dataset 3